Heena Ganotra

Heena Ganotra

A writer by both passion and profession, Heena Ganotra is "half agony, half hope" but all heart. And oh, she has been a book lover from the start! Her love for books is what convinced her to make a career in the wonderful world of words. She loves what she does and is out-and-out a satisfied soul with a wish to spread happiness like herpes. Insight- Some say she is living the best life anyone could because she reads, writes, travels, and makes merry. They’re right because what else does one really need! :)
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MyTicketsToIndia Is Now Live In 5 Countries, Including UAE

Posted on Tuesday, September 20th, 2022

Marhaba, Travellers!  Please allow us to take a journey down the memory lane.  Sweet Beginnings…


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